Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Boudoir shoot Sabina

I feel like it's been ages since my last post. I have been so busy with shoots and wedding planning. I don't think this new business venture could've come at a worse time! Trying to research marketing and advertising, creating a new website etc. whilst on the side, what should our theme be, what flowers will go with those bridesmaid dresses, should we have a summer or autumn wedding.........?? My head is in a hundred different places! For those of you who are wondering, we are this close --> <-- to setting a date! You will be formally notified (probably on facebook lol) when it happens.

So anyway, what did I get up to during this busy week, well... I had the pleasure of working with a lovely young lady named Sabina, who contacted me via one of my ads. Turns out she lives just around the corner from me! That's right, another person in Portarlington under the age of 65! :o We chatted over makeup and hair spray, nibbling M&Ms, about travel, life and love.

Then onto the shoot. I'm finding that, despite the small space, I'm managing to get some great angles. One of my absolute favourite photos is this one:

In terms of boudoir, I think this image is quite sensual without being too revealing, and that's what I try to achieve with all my shoots. I never go beyond what my client/model is comfortable with. Then, of course, there are those who are perfectly comfortable in the buff, and that's fine too. Either way I love the creativity that comes when a new client/model walks in the door. I usually have an idea of poses and such that I'd like to try out, but as the shoot progresses new ideas pop into my head and I end up with great images that hadn't occurred to me prior to the shoot.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Boudoir shoot Sam

I had the pleasure of offering a boudoir session to a dear friend of mine over the weekend. With Valentine's Day approaching, the timing couldn't have been better. I did her hair and makeup for the shoot and let that set while I shot her boyfriend and his mates individually. What a whirlwind! Boys will be boys... It was my first male shoot and they just had so much energy. When the time came to shoot Sam I think we were all a little exhausted!
I also took a few intimate couple shots of Sam and her man. I will put those photos up, as well as the boy shots, in a future post. Today it's all about Sam :)
Click photos to enlarge.

I went on a shopping spree during the week and bought a whole bunch of props for the studio: pearls, fans, parasol, feather boas, lace gloves, etc. I'm liking the red feather boa in this pic which brings out the red in Sam's corset.


Friday, 1 February 2013

Portrait shoot Jessie

I went to uni with a young lass named Jessie, who came in for a portrait shoot yesterday. I did her hair and makeup and after a good 3 hours (eek!) of that we finally got round to shooting. (In my defense might I add, her hair is epically long!!! Not to mention my first time doing hair. It came out great but after five minutes all the curl was gone. Lesson learnt: hairspray hairspray hairspray)
Anyway, I got a few shots that I absolutely love. Enjoy!

My fave